Blog, Magazine, Myself
Comments 87

I Need You.

Yes, you. And you. And you over there in the corner. I need all of you.


Something new is brewing behind The Paperbook Blog. It started as an idea and it has slowly gathered momentum until it is filling my every waking thought. Which is definitely intruding on my ability to get anything else done, but never mind. University assignments can wait…

Friends, fellow thinkers, artists, poets, designers and creators, I am starting the Paperbook MAGAZINE! (Don’t worry, it has a better name than ‘Paperbook Magazine’, but it is under wraps for now…)

What the hell? Whyyyyy???????

I can hear your brains screeching from across the globe. Let me do my best to explain:

What it’s all about:

Basically, I want to create a free online literary magazine. Why? I’ll get to that in a minute. The magazine would include: Creative Non-Fiction, Flash Fiction, Short Stories, Book Review’s, Poetry, Art, Author Bio’s, Photography, and whatever else appears from the madness. It would be available from my blog in the form of a free downloadable PDF. It would be published monthly, or perhaps fortnightly if I can rustle up enough interest. It would include work from my creative friends out here in the real world, as well as fabulous content from you, my fellow bloggers.

Now, for god’s sake, why?:

There are many reasons why I want to do this, which I will attempt to explain below.

  • The Paperbook Blog is a blog celebrating the beauty and joy that comes from reading a paperbook. A collection of writing that you can hold, touch, smell and taste, if that’s your thing. As much as I adore my blog and the forum that we have here as bloggers, I want to create something which you can hold and keep, something which won’t eventually disappear into the realms of Google search, never to be seen again.
  • I love to make things with my hands, I like to design and draw and create. While this is again a great forum for that, it doesn’t have quite the flexibility to really produce something unique. I know I could update my blog to to get more flexibility, but guys, that costs moolah and I am poor!
  • Every day I follow new blogs. There is so much greatness out there that I just can’t help myself. The only problem with this is that I follow so many of you that often I miss your incredible and inspired posts, which makes me sad. This way, people who follow you could download a hard copy of your best work. The beauty of this is that even if they didn’t want to read it immediately, they could save it to their computer to visit later. They could print it off and take it with them, enjoy it in the sunshine over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.
  • This magazine would hopefully work as a fantastic way to increase traffic to your blog, as each persons unique followers could read new content and find other great blogs this way. It would work with, rather than against, each contributors blogs.


What it’s all about for you:

Here is a basic idea of what I’m looking for here.

  • Original content, which has not been published on your blog or elsewhere on the internet.
  • Any style of poetry or prose, providing it is no longer than 800 words at the absolute most.
  • Any style of photography, including iPhone, Instagram, Hipstamatic photos etc.
  • Book reviews and author bio’s, again no longer than 800 words.
  • Original art, as long as you can take a great photograph of it.
  • Anything else that you enjoy creating, as long as you think it fits the concept.
  • Obviously nothing racist, sexist or otherwise offensive (curse words are fine, providing they aren’t too over the top!)
  • Nothing too political. I have nothing against politics or political views but it just isn’t the direction I see for this magazine.

And your work:

  • You will obviously retain all rights over your own work, the magazine will carry its own copyright to further protect you.
  • Your name, your blog and any other social media platforms you like will be attached to your work.
  • You will be listed as a contributor and will have a short bio in the front of the magazine (providing you want one).
  • You will be free to publish a link to the magazine on your blog. Each publication will also carry a link to your blog.

This is going to be a free magazine so obviously there is no cash reward in it for you, however hopefully it will become a great platform for promoting your work. It will be available to people outside the blogging community so you will be reaching people who may never stumble upon your blog themselves.

Also, seriously, it’s going to be A LOT of fun.

What you need to do:

If this sounds like something you may be interested in, please email me a little bio and a sample of your work to Feel free to comment below as well, as I already have a few emails coming in, so it might take me a while to get to yours.

Keep watching this space for more updates, as well as my regular book review blog posts.

Feel free to re-blog this if you think your followers might be interested, the more people we get together the more diverse the magazine will become, and the more followers you will attract to your blog!

Happy hump day everyone.

Go get yourself a drink. You deserve it.



  1. anneclongmire says

    Reblogged this on Anne Longmire and commented:
    A fresh, free, literary collection on the horizon. Check it out and see if you want to contribute.

  2. This sounds so great and I am glad I have been pointed towards it. Each word and idea presented simply resonated withing me and I would be mre then happy to participate, if you want me.

  3. Reblogged this on Grandma Says.. and commented:
    Hey Writers, this sounds like a good project you might want to check out. It gets your writing out of the blogosphere and into a different set of eyes.

  4. Jayde-Ashe, this sounds fabulous!! I’d love to participate and will be send you an email with my details … just have to do a little bit of thinking first. So many ideas! Where to start? 😀

  5. Pingback: Coolness! This looks good… | Baihu's Haikus

  6. What a fantastic idea. If I can scrounge something up, I will definitely send it to you for review. Thanks for taking this project on.

  7. Having followed and enjoyed your blog for a while, I think you can pull it off, Jayde. It’s an ambitious project. (grin) Lot’s of luck. How about cartoons? I could send some in for review, as well as photographs and creative non-ficiton. It might be fun. –Curt

    • Thanks Curt! Cartoons would be amazing!! Anything you like, send it my way. I can’t wait to see what you come up with

    • Hmm, your email hasn’t arrived 😦 I’ve checked all my folders. Your flash fiction page is awesome, where have you been hiding that?
      Perhaps try and resend the email, I’ll be hanging out for some of your delicious flash fiction 🙂

  8. Your idea has merit (I’m the reigning queen of understatement).I’d like to contribute,if you’ll have me.I’m a new blogger so I don’t have a large body of work.I do hope you’ll like what I have pubbed so far.Shall send you an email shortly and will definitely reblog it.Looking forward to the magazine.Best of luck. Meanwhile link :

    • Great thanks so much! Ill head over to your blog and have a look. It doesn’t matter if you have blogged for years or only a few days, as long as you have awesome original work this is the place for you!

  9. Reblogged this on lespoesietlespensees and commented:
    Creative/artsy people please pay attention: Kindly spare a moment to go through the article and see if it captures your interest.I’m & I think you should too.It’s a novel idea.

  10. This is such a great idea! I will be emailing you later on today to see if I would be a good fit. Either way, definitely excited to read it!

  11. This sounds absolutely amazing! I may have to email and see what happens! Either way, I wish you luck!

  12. Pingback: 14: What Caught My Senses This Week

  13. I like Paperbook Magazine. But in light of your hopes for a physical tapestry of material from bloggers, perhaps Paperblog Magazine? Xxxxx Diana

  14. AnElephantCant deny it
    He too is a bibliophile
    You can be clear
    He loves your idea
    It’s just that his trunk is hiding his smile

    Will email soon.

    • AWESOME poem! I love it 🙂 Email me some gorgeous poetry like this and I would be honoured to publish it 🙂

  15. Pingback: Welcome to the Weekend. | The Paperbook Blog

  16. Pingback: The New Website – A Blog Offering and Getting Information | eHow Tos

  17. I Wish people will accept the blogged stories or poems! after all, most of them are unread because with everyone writing there is barely anyone reading.

    If you ever allow old works, do let me know! I will love to share!

    • I will definitely let you know!
      But I would love to get something off you, is there any chance you could write something new?
      – Jayde.

  18. punyeshk says

    This seems like a fascinating idea. I wish you good luck on this venture.
    I’ll try and write something new to send you as a sample as soon as possible. Also thanks for liking my blog., it’s quite new so the tumbleweed’s still rolling.

  19. I had to track down this post to see exactly what this was about and I’m just blown away by the idea and all the work you’re putting in to it. Here’s wishing you tons of luck! There isn’t enough time for this one, but I hope I can join in on the next issue. 🙂

    • Thank you so much! Please send through something for the next issue (which will be 1st September) that would be fantastic! Thanks for your kind words 🙂

  20. Super idea and I will be sending you some stuff for consideration-
    Thanks too for stopping by Move the Chair-I appreciate you taking the time to look-Best of luck with this project-I have a feeling you will have no shortage of great material to work with-

  21. What a fantastic idea! I’ll have to think of things to send you! THANKS for subscribing to my funny-caption photoblog and leaving a “like”! I hope I can bring you a smile (or at least a groan) every weekday.
    –John Robinson

    • I hope you do send something through John! A smile every day is definitely something I’m looking for…I’m sure I’ll find it on your blog!

  22. fabulous idea. In fact I have been THINKING of doing something like this over here in the Maldives as there seems to be so many creative writers on the blogosphere. That thinking started way back in 2011 and is still at the stage of thinking with only rough sketches of the cover, contents and contributors on paper. Haven’t done anything on it for almost an year now and I realize, it might just remain at that stage forever.
    Anyways, wish you all the best with the project. Just came across you latest post about the deadline for the first issue and checked all the way to the beginning of it to see what it was about 🙂

    • Hi Amira,

      Thanks for following and discovering the magazine, you should definitely get involved! Send something through for the next issue if you like. It’s pretty hard work to get it all together, isn’t it 🙂
      This way, you can be involved in an online magazine without all the hard work! Thanks again for stopping by,
      Jayde 🙂

  23. Pingback: 2013 – Year of The Paperbook Collective. | The Paperbook Blog.

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