Day: August 29, 2013

Magazine, Guest Posting and all that Jazz…

It’s hard to believe, but here we are again. The beginning of September is rapidly approaching, and with it comes the highly anticipated (by me) release of issue two of The Paperbook Collective! As you can imagine, I have used this next issue as an excuse to spend hours downloading new fonts, hours that should probably be spent on university work, but not to worry. Plenty of time for that. Famous last words. This issue is coming together nicely, and unlike last time I am NOT leaving everything until the last day. I’m not entirely sure what my rationale was last month, but there was about a weeks worth of work crammed into the hours of the 1st of August. Hence the incredibly high stress levels. Never. Again. Only 72 hours until I will be hitting that publish button, throwing more of our creative work out into the blogosphere for your enjoyment. As with last issue there is an interesting and exciting mix of work, everything from short stories to poetry to creative non-fiction to photography. Here’s …