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Lovely Saturday: One Lovely Blog

Well! What a lovely thing to wake up to on a miserable Saturday morning….a lovely award nomination from a lovely fellow blogger, who is responsible for the constant entertainment over at One Starving Activist. Lovely.

This has certainly made my weekend, that’s for sure. Probably doesn’t indicate good things about my social life, but oh well…

I have no idea how these award things work, I’m winging it here.

So, to the rules:

  • Add the “One Lovely Blog Award” image to your post.
  • Share seven things about you.
  • Pass the award on to seven nominees.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Inform the nominees by posting on their blogs.

Ok. Seven things about me. Here goes:

  1. I am currently unemployed. This is due to the fact that I have tripled my university load for the year, so I can finish ahead of schedule. Really it means that I sit around in track pants all day and play with my blogs.
  2. I have a secret tattoo. It is in Khmer script on the back of my upper thigh. It means ‘find strength’ (I hope), my daily reminder to try and be as strong and brave as the Cambodian’s I met on my travels.
  3. I am obsessed with Penguin Classics, the $10 orange and white ones. But you knew that already.
  4. I lived and worked for two years on an island in the Whitsundays, the Great Barrier Reef was my backyard.
  5. Gin and tonic is my drink of choice. With plenty of ice and lime. I love it. The second I taste it I am on holidays on a tropical island somewhere.
  6. Due to my current unemployment (see 1.) I can only afford clean-skins wine, not quite the same calibre as gin but for $6 a bottle I’m not arguing.
  7. I skydived over Lake Taupo in New Zealand. One of the most frightening, amazing and exhilarating moments of my life. I can’t wait to skydive again…

The nominations…

This bit was the most difficult. There are hundreds of blogs I would love to nominate, but I had to narrow it down. So here are my nominees, your blogs are all lovely:

  1. All Downhill From Here
  2. The Bloggers Soliloquy
  3. Bad Books, Good Times
  4. bottledaux
  5. Confessions of a Hopeless Introvert
  6. IndigoFlindigo
  7. Completely Disappear

It wasn’t a requirement for this award (I don’t think) but I have chosen blogs who have less than 500 followers, because I know what it’s like to be in the early stages of your followers career!

Muchos gracias and merci beaucoup to the lovely AR Neal at One Starving Activist, not just for this nomination but for always reading my posts and for writing lovely, encouraging comments. And for buying one of the books I wrote about. You are awesome.


  1. You are too kind! I look forward to checking out the blots you nominated 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  2. The Bloggers Soliloquy says

    Thanks again, and I look forward to making a few other people’s day 🙂

  3. Pingback: The Lovely Paperbook | Completely Disappear

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